Coloring the Wizard of Oz, Updating Art
Heraclitus once said, “You can’t step in the same river twice.” So maybe you can’t rewatch the same movie, and no amount of updating colors or drum beats will overcome the distance modernity has traveled.
I’m Ariella, and for a long time, I have been undercover as a regular suburban mom, trying to guard the secret that I am bursting with ideas and observations about the world. Recently, a good friend pointed out that I haven’t been very successful at holding it all in, which is admittedly true. So rather than continuing to have things leak out in inconvenient places, I decided to park them all here.
Some of the things I like to write about are religion, parenting, marriage, and all forms of human connection. I’m especially interested in big collective stories that shape how we see the world, particularly because sometimes, it’s strangely easy to ignore them.
Do you suppose that it’ll ever make a comeback the way that 70’s bellbottoms did? Maybe I’m ahead of the curve. Or maybe behind. Or maybe I just think it’s just fun to romp around the world on intellectual adventures. Join me?
Heraclitus once said, “You can’t step in the same river twice.” So maybe you can’t rewatch the same movie, and no amount of updating colors or drum beats will overcome the distance modernity has traveled.
In my twenties, I tried an experiment to see how long I could not eat. Could I have induced anorexia? I don’t have any doubt that I could have.
“The way that school officials talk about proposals like this, you’d think that they were debating what children eat and drink, instead of what they have easy access to in a school cafeteria.”
At some moments in life, maybe it’s a welcome question to wonder: what pushup am I not doing because I’m telling myself it’s too hard?
“Very few stories take on this moment of being in your late 20’s in a way that isn’t fully focused on romance.”
What if, in a movie, you didn’t know exactly what was going to happen five minutes into it?