Shock and Grief: An Israel Solidarity Gathering

On Tuesday night, our local JCC hosted a gathering in solidarity for Israel. I’m not sure if it was billed as a gathering or a rally, and I’m not sure why exactly I wanted to go, but after a brutal and isolating few days, it seemed like it might feel better to be with people […]
Mastering the Rubik’s Cube: On Accomplishment

Solving a Rubik’s cube is a parlor trick. There is no real reward for it the way there are for other pursuits.
So why are there so many people who can do it?
Reckoning with Labor on Labor Day

What if there could be a wild success, of creating “good jobs, while protecting workers’ rights, wages, health and safety”? Wouldn’t that be a most excellent thing to celebrate on a Labor Day?
The Velveteen Rabbit: On being really real

If I had been asked to say what the book was about, I would have said that it was about how real love doesn’t look shiny and sparkly and how vulnerability is different than perfection. But this time I found a deeper argument about the limits of metaphor.
Musk and Zuck, Or Life in Silicon Valley

To me, living in this place is a curious place of dreams. Much has been said about how the internet was born here, how every idea is the precipice of a fortune, something to be leapt upon and invested in. But I don’t think that’s the way it is.
Really, I’m Not A Feminist
Feminism should not exist to endorse reality, not to beg for the crumbs we should have had all along, but rather to insist on the grandness of the vision of a better world for everyone.
The Eras Tour: A Non-Review

Levi’s Stadium, where she was performing, can hold 70,000 fans and not only was it sold out both nights, but the resale value of extra tickets apparently reached $45,000 in last minute ticket sales.
On Israel: When Protests Fail

Members of the Israel government coalition voted to support judicial reforms despite 29 straight weeks of protests, wherein a large chunk of the Israeli population participated in rallies, strikes, shutdowns, marches, and other ways of making their voices not only heard meekly, but heard resoundingly.
Trouble On the Farm

We can require all the ethics classes in the world, but as long as we continue to reward people who don’t heed those lessons, it’s probably not going to budge behavior all that much.
Repenting, Repairing, and the Legal System

On the other side of self-reckoning, there is more distance from the day that we were our worst selves, and the genuine freedom to do better in the world.